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Editorial Writing Demystified: A Comprehensive Guide for Students + Examples


Are you searching for an editorial writing example for your upcoming assignment? Editorial writing can be a hideous task only if you are naïve; otherwise, it’s similar to article writing. You don’t have to be an expert in writing an editorial; it’s your point of view on any subject. This blog will help you quickly improve your editorial skills and write a captivating editorial.

What are you waiting for?

Let’s work on your first editorial and make it a masterpiece.

What Is Editorial Writing?

An editorial is a newspaper or magazine article on a topic expressing the editors’ viewpoint. It’s your opinion or idea on a specific topic. You need to clearly present an issue and then propose a solution to the problem addressed.

However, it should be backed up by vigorous research, facts, and figures. Since you are the author, you need to highlight people facing those issues and suggest solutions to the problems. Moreover, you can recommend suggestions to the government or authorities since it’s an editorial.

In short, you have to persuade your audience and change their perception and opinion about a specific topic with the help of facts, figures, and research.

Types Of Editorial Writing

Editorial writing has been classified into 4 types: interpretive, critical, persuasive, and praising.

Interpretive Editorial:

Interpretive editorials are meant to raise awareness about a topic; the editorial may provide background information about an issue. This category discusses sensitive and controversial topics with the editor’s opinion.

Critical Editorial:

Critical editorial is meant to be criticized: a policy that needs to be changed, an action that needs to be addressed, a decision that needs to be changed, or a situation that needs to be tactfully handled well. However, writing a critical editorial needs backed-up research.

Persuasive Editorial:

While writing a persuasive editorial, the writer persuades their readers of their opinion. They encourage their reader to take action on their advice. You are to propose a situation/ change and convince your readers to take action.

Praise Editorial:

Praise editorial appreciates and praises a person, institute, or organization for a specific task they have performed. You support the organization for the cause they are working on and commend them for their actions.

Comprehensive Guide To Editorial Writing Examples

Editorial writing is based on the writer’s opinions, but specific steps are necessary to craft an outstanding editorial. Today, almost anyone can express their political, social, and environmental views. But that doesn’t classify them as editorial writing. You must follow specific criteria and trademarks to prove it as an editorial writing authentically.

Follow the steps and produce an outstanding editorial:

Choose An Authentic And Exciting Topic.

Editorials are meant to change the audience’s perception according to the editor’s view. Whether you choose an interpretive, critical, persuasive, or praise editorial, your first essential step is to choose an exciting topic. Choose a neutral topic; choose a compelling one that interests your readers; it serves the purpose and gives them an angel.

Create an exciting, creative title once you have decided on the topic. Titles/headings are the first impressions that your audience gets. It’s a do-and-die situation. Your title will capture your audience or demotivate them to switch to another one. So, the game is on you; either win it or lose it with a creative title. Along with the title, you need to include a featured image. An image that supports and enhances the topic.

Remember, the image speaks for themselves. So, a captivating heading and a featured image will grasp your audience.

If you get attracted to one, so will your readers.

Research, Research, And Research

Writing about any issue requires vigorous research. You need to be fully equipped within information, data, facts and figures to present your point of view. Suppose you want to convince or persuade your readers regarding any social, political, environmental, or technological issue; look for relevant information on that topic. You need credible sources to back up your opinions. Your statement will only be valued if research, facts, figures, and relevant information back it up.

Once you have conducted thorough research, it’s time to write it down.

Writing Editorial

Editorial writing is short and precise. Ideally, there are 500-1000 words, so within this bracket, you have to discuss the issue, critically observe it, set your opinion with facts, evidence, and anecdotes, and present the conclusion with a call to action. There are three steps to writing an outstanding and captivating editorial: introduction, body and conclusion.

Introduction: A unique, exciting heading, statement, or question that will grasp your reader’s attention along with the captivating image

Body: The body of the editorial should start with a bold paragraph that would be authentic, captivating, and supportive of the topic. Furthermore, you illustrate your information with your opinion with facts. Your body is when you express and explain your point of view. Try to discuss every aspect of your topic. Address the issue in detail and illustrate your view with respect to the opposing view. It is when you provide evidence to support your opinion and confront the opposing view.

Let’s look into some of the dos and don’ts in writing the editorial body:

  • Use simpler words; don’t use jargon or fancy words to illustrate your point
  • Stick to your view; don’t wander around the opposing view
  • Make it factual, evidential, and realistic
  • Follow the structure and word limit; making it lengthy would lose its credibility and authenticity
  • Maintain the balance of opinion and facts; more opinion would make it exciting and varied.
  • Don’t use I, or You; don’t make it act personal; it’s the editor’s opinion but delivered for the audience.
  • Use persuasive statements; let it strike from the heading to the conclusion.

Conclusion: The conclusion is as vital as the introduction and the body. A thought-provoking statement and a closure add completeness to your article. You start tremendous, and you end great. Both are equally important.

Editorial Writing Examples

Science And Health Editorial writing examples

Scientists and professional healthcare providers share their opinions on health and science-related subjects. They help readers understand the science, research studies, and healthcare technicalities. So, if you are an expert in science and health, you may choose any of the topics below:

  • Life in pandemic
  • Innovation matters
  • Behind every scientist is another scientist
  • Lab leaks and liabilities
  • The expanding universe
  • Impact of junk food on children’s growth
  • Cancer can be slippery

Environmental Issue Editorial writing Examples

Environmental issues threaten every human and living organism in this universe. So, editors willing to write on this topic should ensure they tackle the problem seriously and identify all possible threats with accurate research and findings.

Some topics to write on Social Issues are:

  • Putting public safety before secrecy
  • It is time to replace fossil fuels
  • Energy companies are the biggest Carbon adductors
  • Festive marketing needs to stop
  • It is time to protect and plant trees; stop the destruction
  • It is time to Reuse, reduce, and recycle
  • The earth has limits, and the government must act on it

Social Media Editorial Writing Examples

The adverse effects of social media are one of the most demanding topics globally. Writing an editorial on social media and its effects can be straightforward. You have a wide variety of topics to choose from:

  • The dark and bright side of social media
  • Can we bear the burden of social media?
  • Impact of social media on children and youth
  • The use of social media is harming the society
  • Forms of social media
  • Role of social media in education
  • Reality shows: are they real or fake?

Finance And Economy Editorial Writing Examples

Economic trends, issues, and practices within a country or even globally are the most demanding topics every editor loves to write. They are easy, and facts and information can easily be derived. So, if you are planning to write a finance-related editorial, you have a wide variety of topics available:

  • Economic distress and children’s mental health
  • Poverty and obesity
  • Economic issues in Post Covid
  • Economic recession
  • Does saving help in inflation?
  • Air pollution and manufacturing firm productivity

Social Issue Editorial Writing Examples

Social problems arise and thus affect individuals and even societies as a whole. Editorial topics on social issues are as follows:

  • Promoting animal rights
  • Can privacy and national security balance within surveillance?
  • Is climate change human-related or natural?
  • Marijuana: is it a beneficial plant?
  • Abortion: social moral or ethical reasoning
  • Poverty and unemployment are impacting societies; something needs to be done.


Editorials are articles that are based on personal opinions. They can be written on current events, news, or any topic that interests the editor. A topic you are passionate about and then you need to prove your idea. While writing, keep your audience in mind; make sure to keep both sides of the audience in mind. You need to convince readers about your view, explaining and convincing them about the opposing view with confidence is your ultimate goal. Firmly support your idea and stay within your stance.

For those seeking to excel in editorial writing, whether as Business Editorial Writers, Finance Editorial Writers, or Online Best Editorial Writing Experts, our team of expert editorial writers is here to assist you. Contact our professionals editorial Writers to get your editorial articles and pieces written with precision and flair. Our experts will help you create compelling and persuasive editorials that resonate with your audience and effectively convey your viewpoints. Reach out today to take your editorial writing to the next level.

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