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300 + Criminology research paper topics for international students

Criminology research paper topics

Criminology is the study of crime along with individuals and techniques involved in crime activities. Criminology research papers topics are common and there is a high number of activities and entities that can be assessed for research purposes. The social and ethical considerations, legal rules and regulations, and authorities involved in enforcing the law are the major research ideas, that can be used by students.

Criminology research papers contain the obligations for students and researchers to make deep analyses of crime rates, annual reports of developed and developing countries, and research made by other researchers. Thus, criminology research can be done by selecting any one aspect involved with this term directly.

Criminology Research Topic Ideas for Students

There are multiple ideas for criminology papers that can be used by researchers and students for research projects on criminology. The law enforcement authorities and organizations, the justice systems of developed and developing countries, and general concepts of criminology can be used to conduct research on criminology. There are further different aspects of criminology that can be selected by students. The evaluation of criminal behaviour and the role of investigations are also important criteria in criminology. Evidence and eyewitnesses can also be used for research in criminology. Along with these criteria, research ideas on racism and discrimination for increasing crime rates, are also provided.

General Research Criminology Topcis

  1. Study of Criminology
  2. Crime Theories
  3. Role of Evidence in Crime Control
  4. Importance of Un-Biased Investigation
  5. Impacts of Social Media on Crime Expansion
  6. Key Factors of Crime Enhancement
  7. Role of Equal Justice for Crime Prevention
  8. Countries Having High Crime Rate
  9. Childhood Labor and Abuse
  10. Institutes for Controlling Crime Rates
  11. Impacts of Media on Crime Prevention
  12. Role of Crime Mapping
  13. Study on Criminal Behavior
  14. Psychological Aspects of Criminals
  15. Benefits of Criminology Study
  16. Criminology Perspectives
  17. Typical Crimes at Different Ages
  18. Role of Education and Employment for Crime Prevention
  19. Role of Mental Health in Crimes
  20. Impacts of Punishment on Crime Prevention
  21. Perpetrators’ Attitude and Behavior after Punishment
  22. Study on Cybercrimes
  23. Stakeholders’ Role in Criminology
  24. Social Forces and Structures in Criminology
  25. Financial Charges and Fines Against Crimes

Crime Theories

Criminology Research Proposal Topics 

    1. Elements of Criminology Research Proposals
    2. Trends and Methodologies in Criminology Research Proposals
    3. Legal and Social Rights in Criminology
    4. Prevention of Cyberspace Crimes
    5. Social Impacts on Cyberspace Crimes
    6. Racism and Discrimination in Cyberspace Crimes
    7. Evidence Collection Methods
    8. Study on War Crimes
    9. Study on Victim-less Crimes
    10. Digital Systems to Monitor Crime Rates
    11. What is the Rehabilitation Program for Crime Prevention?
    12. Technological Involvement in Crime Monitoring and Control
    13. Role of Instruction, Supervision, and Guidance for Criminology Proposals
    14. Under Developing Countries Facing High Crime Rates
    15. Impacts of Juvenile Justice in Crime Prevention
    16. Limitations to Investigate Organized Crimes
    17. Role of Legal Authorities in Crime Prevention
    18. Negative Effects of Crime on Human Living Standards
    19. Study on White-Collar Crimes
    20. Corruption in Crime Controlling Organizations

racism and crimes

Criminology Dissertation Research Topics

  1. Preparation of Criminal Profiling
  2. Bills of Rights to Prevent Crime Rates
  3. Cyberbullying for Psychological Impacts
  4. Study on Domestic Violence
  5. Difficulties to Overcome Organized Crimes
  6. Assessment of Criminal Justice and Criminology
  7. Drug Addiction Impacting on Growth of Crime Rate
  8. International Organizations for Crime Justice and Prevention
  9. Criminal Laws for Individuals’ Rights
  10. Enterprises and Organizational Crimes
  11. Role of Mental Health in Crimes
  12. Strategies to Overcome Cybercrimes
  13. Technology to Prevent Cybercrimes
  14. Threats of Digital Tools to Access Confidential Data
  15. Impacts of Crime Rate on the Economy
  16. Legal Insanity in Criminology
  17. Key Factors of High Crime Rate
  18. Racism behind Crimes
  19. Natural Legal Crimes
  20. Crime Rate in Vulnerable Population

Organized Crimes

 Law Enforcement Research Topics 

  1. Uses of Artificial Intelligence for Law Enforcement
  2. Community Policies for Crime Rates
  3. Offensive Crimes by Legal Authorities
  4. Biasness by Legislations for Criminals
  5. Attitude and Behavior of Law-Enforcing Officers
  6. Training and Development of Law Enforcing Officers
  7. Study on Law Enforcement Authorities
  8. Public Perceptions for Law Enforcing Authorities
  9. Law Enforcing Leadership for Crime Prevention
  10. Importance of Community-Based Justice Programs
  11. Collective Effort of Community and Police
  12. Impacts of Stress and Depression on Law Enforcement
  13. Relations between Law Enforcing Agencies and General Public
  14. Unethical Aspects of Law Enforcing Institutes
  15. Equal Rights for Society by Law Enforcing Authorities
  16. Traditional and Modern Law Enforcement Methods
  17. Immigration Regulations by Law Enforcement
  18. Law Enforcement for Child and Women Safety
  19. Law Enforcement for Urbanization
  20. Challenges and Issues Faced During Law Enforcement

Research topics about Law Enforcement

Investigation Research Topics 

  1. Study on Effective Crime Investigation
  2. Techniques used for Crime Investigation
  3. Role of Social Media for Crime Investigation
  4. Forensic Science for Crime Investigation
  5. Importance of Evidence during Crime Investigation
  6. Difficulty in Investigation for Organized Crimes
  7. Databases and Informatics for Crime Investigation
  8. Investigation of White-Collar Crimes
  9. Barriers to Crime Investigation
  10. International Institutes for Crime Investigation
  11. Benefits of Community Contributions in Crime Investigation
  12. Interference of Political Forces during Crime Investigation
  13. Gender Biasness in Crime Investigation
  14. Involvement of Corruption in Crime Investigation
  15. Crime Investigation and Privacy Issues
  16. Crime Investigation in Confidential Data
  17. Study of Cross-Border Crime Investigation
  18. Impacts of Delaying in Crime Investigation
  19. Requirements of Evidence for Crime Investigation
  20. Crime Investigation Alignment with Justice

 Crime Prevention Research topics 

  1. Legal Considerations for Crime Prevention
  2. Role of Effective Investigation for Crime Prevention
  3. Crime Prevention According to Crime Types
  4. Importance of Crime Prevention in Society
  5. Challenges for Crime Prevention
  6. Utilization of Technology for Crime Prevention
  7. Role of Evidence for Crime Prevention
  8. Study of Crime Prevention Practices
  9. Role of Legal Institutes for Crime Prevention
  10. Preventing Cybercrimes
  11. Crime Prevention Approaches
  12. Role of Education in Crime Prevention
  13. Animal-Assisted Therapy for Crime Prevention
  14. Proactive Crime Prevention Approach
  15. Faith-Based Organizations in Crime Prevention
  16. Crime Prevention for Community Safety
  17. Effectiveness of Situational Crime Prevention Program
  18. Principles of Crime Prevention
  19. Crime Rehabilitation and Prevention
  20. Analysis of Criminology for Crime Prevention

Research topics about Crime Prevention

 Criminal Justice Research Topics

  1. Community Policies for Criminal Justice
  2. Databases and Statistics for Criminal Justice
  3. In-Prison Behavior and Rehabilitation
  4. Defense Attorneys for Criminal Justice
  5. Deep Analysis of the Criminal Justice System
  6. Gender Values in Prisons
  7. Regulations in the Criminal Justice System
  8. Community-Based Criminal Justice System
  9. Effectiveness of Psychopathy
  10. Involvement of Mental Health Professionals in the Criminal Justice System
  11. Required Changes and Improvement in the Criminal Justice System
  12. Racism and Discrimination in the Criminal Justice System
  13. Confession Programs in the Criminal Justice System
  14. Disability in Criminal Justice for Disable People
  15. Criminal Justice for Cybercrimes
  16. Civilians’ Obligations for Criminal Justice
  17. Methodologies in Criminal Justice Research
  18. Theories of Criminal Justice
  19. Difference in Criminology and Crime Justice
  20. Biases in the Criminal Justice System
  21. Organized and Unorganized Criminal Justice System
  22. Ethical Considerations in the Criminal Justice System
  23. Criminal Justice for Organized Crimes
  24. Criminal Justice for Under-Age Criminals
  25. The Strain Theory for Criminal Justice System

Criminal Psychology Research Topics 

  1. Assessment of Criminal Psychology
  2. Methods Used for Criminal Psychology Assessment
  3. Importance to Assess Criminal’s Behavior
  4. Forensic Psychology for Investigation
  5. Predictions by Criminal Psychology
  6. Crime Scene Reconstructions
  7. Benefits of Criminal Behavior Analysis
  8. Challenges for Criminal Psychology Analysis
  9. Role of Experts in Criminal Psychology Analysis
  10. Impacts of Criminal Psychology Analysis on Investigation
  11. Nature and Types of Criminal Behavior
  12. Evaluating Criminal’s Aggression
  13. Studies of Antisocial Adult Behavior
  14. Criminal’s Brainstorming for Crime
  15. Preliminary Research on Criminal Psychology
  16. Understanding Criminal’s Mental Health and Perceptions
  17. Criminal Psychology for Profiling
  18. Criminal Disparities Based on Their Psychology
  19. Law Enforcement Based on Criminal Psychology
  20. Criminal’s Behavior Analysis in International Crime Combating
  21. Criminal Psychology for Crime Prevention
  22. Technology for Understanding Criminal Psychology
  23. Study on Criminal’s Attitude and Behavior
  24. Predictions and Detection of Crimes
  25. High Profile Organizations for Criminal Psychology Analysis

Research topics about Criminal Psychology

 Victimization Research Topics 

  1. International Growth and Prevention in Victimization
  2. Role of Investigation to Reduce Victimization
  3. International Reports on Victimization
  4. Victimization in Developing and Un-developed Countries
  5. Primary and Secondary Analysis of Victimization
  6. Impacts of Biological Factors on Law Violation
  7. Classical Criminology and Victimization
  8. Victimization Theories and Approaches
  9. Cultural and Social Impacts on Law Violation
  10. Penalties and Punishment to Reduce Victimization
  11. Social Construction and Support for Victimization
  12. Victimization in Vulnerable Populations
  13. Theories to Reduce Victimization
  14. Social and Psychological Theories of Victimization
  15. Factors of High Victimization Rate
  16. Is Victimization Rate High in Developing and Undeveloped Countries?
  17. Contribution of Legal Authorities to Control Victimization
  18. Childhood and Elderly Victimization
  19. Channels to Measure Victimization
  20. Impacts of Victimization on Society
  21. Legal Assistance for Victimization Programs
  22. Stakeholders Involved in Victimization Programs
  23. Assumptions in Victimization Theories
  24. Victim Behavior and Perception of Legal Authorities
  25. How Victimization is Damaging Societies?

 Criminology Measurement Research Topics 

  1. Framework of Criminology Research and Measurement
  2. Crime Classification, Types, and Measurement
  3. Crime Measurement for Mapping
  4. Databases and Statistics for Criminology Measurement
  5. Role of Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN)
  6. Data Collection Methodologies for Criminology Measurement
  7. Importance of In-Depth Studies for Criminology Measurement
  8. Research and Questionnaires for Criminology Measurement
  9. Importance of Crime Statistics Accuracy
  10. Criminology Measurement to Predict Future Crimes
  11. Role of Witnesses and Evidence for Crime Measurement
  12. Media Platforms for Measuring Crime Rates
  13. Electronic Measured Records of Crimes
  14. Trends and Approaches for Crime Measurement
  15. How to Measure White-Collar Crimes?
  16. Research on Top Measured Crimes
  17. Numerical and Non-Numerical Crime Data
  18. Criminal Justice and Measurement
  19. Risks and Challenges of Measuring Crime Rates
  20. Criminal Justice System for Crime Measurement
  21. Legislation for Measuring Crimes
  22. Role of Private Institutes for Crime Measurement
  23. Historical Records of Measured Crimes in Developing Countries
  24. Civil Liability for Crime Measurement
  25. Risk Groups for Measured Crime Analysis

Research Topics about Criminology Measurement

 Crime Typology Research Topics 

  1. Analysis of Crime Types
  2. Crime Typologies and Evidences
  3. Relations between Crime Typologies and Law Enforcement
  4. Legal Considerations for Different Crime Typologies
  5. Anti-Theft Devices for Different Crimes
  6. Harmful Social Impacts of Crime Typologies
  7. Study on Evolution of Crime Typologies
  8. Controlling Strategies for Different Crime Typologies
  9. Punishment and Penalties for Different Crime Types
  10. Domestic and Business Types of Crimes
  11. Types of Cybercrimes
  12. Cybercrime Laws and Enforcing Entities
  13. White and Pink-Collar Crimes
  14. Organized and Unorganized Types of Crimes
  15. Psychological Impacts of Types of Crime
  16. Environment and Social Crimes
  17. Legal Responses over Different Crime Typologies
  18. Causes, Prevention, and Impacts of Crimes
  19. Impacts of Crime Typologies on the Economy
  20. Corruption, As Crime Typology
  21. Types of Penalties Justice System
  22. Key Causes of Property Crimes
  23. Study on Different Collar Crimes
  24. Robbery and Kidnapping Rate in Developing Countries
  25. Most Offensive Crime Typologies

Racism and Discrimination Research Topics 

  1. Racism and Discrimination in Crime Investigation
  2. Relations of Racism with High Crime Rates
  3. Strategies to Control Racial Biasness in Societies
  4. Racism Problems with Criminal Justice
  5. Evaluation of Racism Behind Crimes
  6. Importance to Control Over Racism and Discrimination
  7. Law Enforcement for Racism Control and Crime Prevention
  8. Equal Opportunities to Reduce Racial Crimes
  9. Racial Issues and Conflicts in Developed Countries
  10. Justice System for Equal Values to All Races
  11. Interrelations among Race, Class and Crime Rates
  12. Study of Penalties for Racism Conflicts
  13. Equal Social Rights and Values to Races
  14. Racial Conflicts among Prisoners
  15. Terrorism Based on Racial and Religious Aspects
  16. Demographic and Racial Analysis of Criminals
  17. Role of Legal Considerations for Racial Conflicts’ Reduction
  18. Functions of Forensic Science for Racial Conflict Handling
  19. Social, Racial, and Ethical Aspects of Crimes

Research Topics about Racism and Discrimination

International Criminal Law Research Topics 

  1. Evolution of Criminal Law
  2. Differences between Criminal and Civil Laws
  3. Impacts of Criminal Law on Crime Rate
  4. Impacts of Criminal Law on Criminal Behavior
  5. Effectiveness and Outcomes of Criminal Law
  6. Differences in Criminal Law in Developed and Developing Countries
  7. Procedure of Implementing Criminal Law
  8. Criminal Law for Different Crime Typologies
  9. Prisoning and Punishment, As Criminal Law
  10. Restructuring of Criminal Law
  11. Reasons for Criminal Law Renovation
  12. Regulatory Forces Behind Criminal Law Establishment
  13. Challenges to Implement Criminal Law
  14. Rights of Self-Defense in Criminal Law
  15. Confidentiality of Criminal Records
  16. Impacts of Globalization on Law Renovations
  17. Criminal Law about Drunk Driving
  18. Stakeholders Involved in Criminal Law Enforcement
  19. Criminal Law for Children
  20. Gender Values in Criminal Law

Criminal Justice Controversy Research Topics 

  1. Effectiveness of Legal Authorities to Control Controversy
  2. Biases and Errors in the Justice System
  3. Impact of Demographic Changes on Controversy
  4. Ethical Consideration to Remove Criminal Justice Controversy
  5. Monitoring and Tracking the Limitations in the Justice System
  6. Errors in Cybercrime Laws
  7. Role of Qualified and Seniority in Designing Criminal Justice System
  8. Social Media for Biased News about Crimes
  9. Corruption and Fraud in the Criminal Justice System
  10. Essentials to Design Controversy-Free Justice System
  11. Why does Controversy Occur in the Justice System?
  12. Strategic Activities to Reduce Controversy
  13. Controversy in Law for Penalties and Punishment
  14. Rights and Obligations of Crime-Preventing Authorities
  15. Technology for Comprehensive Crime-Preventing Operations
  16. Violence Made by Crime-Preventing Practitioners
  17. Controversy in Zero-Tolerance Policies
  18. Controversy in Prison Labor
  19. Most Common Controversy in Criminology
  20. Key Factors Creating Controversy in Criminology

Research Topics about Criminal Justice Controversy

Criminology Basic and Common Research Paper Topics

  1. Why is Criminology Important?
  2. Methods used in Criminology
  3. Importance and Scope of Criminology
  4. Technical Informatics for Criminology
  5. Challenges and Hurdles in Criminology
  6. Importance of Investigation in Criminology
  7. Criminology in Developed and Developing Countries
  8. Surveillance Techniques and Tools for Criminology
  9. Study of Cybercrimes in Criminology
  10. Deep Analysis of Terrorism Rate in Criminology
  11. Victim Advocacy in Criminology
  12. Importance of Evidence for Investigation
  13. Cognitive Skills for Investigations
  14. Ethical and Social Aspects in Criminology
  15. Criminal Law and Enforcement
  16. Role of Justice Courts in Criminology
  17. Common Rights for Victims
  18. Domestic Crimes Contributing to Crime Rate Expansion
  19. Theoretical and Practical Study in Criminology
  20. Study on Criminal Behavior and Rights

Realistic Crime Research Research Paper Topics

  1. Impacts of Crime on Societies
  2. Fear and Threats for Victims
  3. Racial and Violent Crimes
  4. Technology for Anti-Crime Operations
  5. Role of Social Media for Crime Prevention
  6. Primary and Secondary Sources of Crime Research
  7. Essential of Accuracy in Crime Research
  8. Why is Crime Researches are Important?
  9. Study on Domestic Violence
  10. Crime Research on Penalties and Punishments
  11. Benefits of Crime-Researched Studies
  12. Contribution of Crime Researches to Make Regulations
  13. Ranking of Countries Based on Crime Records
  14. Designing Policies Based on Crime Research
  15. Involvement of Experienced Authorities in Crime Research
  16. Children Conducted Crimes
  17. Frequent Changes in Crime Laws
  18. Key Attributes of the Criminal Justice System
  19. Data and Information Useful in Crime Research
  20. Online Reports and Articles for Crime Research

Research Paper topics about Realistic Crime Research


The most common research paper topics in criminology including its history and importance can create similar backward outcomes for students. There are different innovative and effective research ideas that can be selected to conduct effective research on criminology topics. The individuals involved in criminology such as criminals, police, and authorities in the justice system, can be assessed for research. Their behaviour, environmental impacts on psychology and attitude, and role in crime rate manipulation can be researched separately. By doing so, students can make unique and ideal research on criminology.

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