Who Invented Homework: The Invention That Changed the Education System Completely

Who invented Homework

Homework is an integral part of a student’s life. It is part of the US education system whether you love or loathe it. Now, the question arises: Who invented homework, and why?

Homework has always been a topic of debate for students, teachers, and parents. If you want to know the origins of homework, then this blog is made for you. This blog will tell you the myths and reality of homework inventions. This blog will discuss the following information about homework and its invention.

Origin Of Homework

We are still determining where homework stepped into our lives. There is no specific date, but we can state that it existed in ancient civilizations from Greece, Rome, and Egypt. There is a lot of hype about Roberto Nevelis; various sources state that he invented homework. Since then, homework has become part of the formal educational system of the US and the world. However, certain countries have adopted a progressive approach to homework and schooling. So, without further delay, let’s look into the history of homework in detail.

Origin of homework

Roberto Nevelis of Venice, Italy

Some believe homework’s roots derived from ancient civilizations, such as the Romans, who started assigning work outside of school to reinforce learning. At the same time, others believe that Roberto Nevelis of Venice invented homework in either 1095 or 1905; it depends on the sources.

Some state that Roberto Nevelis invented homework as a punishment for students.

Well, these are all stories! In reality, Robert Nevlis used homework to keep students engaged with their studies. The primary purpose of introducing homework was to help students retain their learning in school and practice their skills at home.

However, some researchers state that Roberto Nevelis is considered an internet Myth. Horace Mann was the primary creator and inventor of homework.

Roberto Nevelis of Venice Italy

Horace Mann – An American Educationist Reformer

Horace Mann is considered a pioneer in inventing homework in the 19th century. Horace Mann, a known American politician and educational reformer of the 19th century, brought the homework revolution from the Prussian education system to America. He advocated for education and believed in completing assigned tasks outside the classroom. Mann aimed to reinforce classroom learning to ensure retention and skill development. He believed that assignments encouraged independent learning and fostered critical thinking. Moreover, he advocated assigning homework to students as it develops good study habits and discipline. Horace Mann An American Educationist Reformer

Homework Changes In The 20th Century

As the education system evolved, so did homework. In the early 20th century, there was a significant increase in homework assignments in the United States, where students’ experimental learning and personal responsibilities doubled.

The rise of homework also brought criticism and controversy within the United States education system. Teachers and school practitioners believed homework was the best way to reinforce learning and ensure student progress. On the other hand, critics argued that excessive homework lead to stress, burnout, and fatigue among students, especially younger students.

Yet today, the debate between assigning homework and banning homework continues!

The following section is crafted especially for those who believe homework is a burden and accounts for child labor.

Homework Bans And Anti-Homework In The American Educational System

The American educational school system never accepted homework, and there has always been a vigorous debate about its pros and cons. Is homework good or bad for students? Should it be banned? Is homework countable or uncountable?

So, let’s see how the US education system implemented homework during different periods.

Ban Of Homework In 1900

In the 19th century when Horace Mann introduced homework, his contemporaries Henry Barnard and Calvin Ellis Stowe supported the cause. It was not until 1901, in the Pacific state of California, that homework was banned. This ban remained active till 1917 for all students younger than 15 years. Ladies Home Journal and the New York Times supported the cause and published various publications. Within the publication, they openly condemned homework and stated the adverse side effects of homework on children’s mindsets. They published multiple articles portraying how homework detriments children’s mental health.

Ban Of Homework In 1900

Homework Is A Child Labor In 1930

Homework faced opposition from various sentiments across America. One well-known organization is the American Child Health Association, which declared homework as child labor.

Progressive Homework in the Mid-20th Century

Even though the critics struggled fiercely against educational institutions to ban homework, homework still prevailed within America’s educational system. All the critics’ efforts were unsuccessful when homework became more progressive in the 20th century. Now, teachers assign relevant assignments to students.

Rigorous Homework – End Of World War II

Homework took a vigorous turn after the end of World War II. The US educational authorities decided to give students rigorous homework. As of now, they believe that students can only excel in the fields of science and mathematics through homework retention. They thought the best way to compete with Russian youth was to stay competitive, and the solution to the problem was rigorous homework.

Homework Continued At A Faster Rate: 1980

Even after World War II ended, the homework load never ended. Instead, it intensified until 1986, when the US Department of Education published a pamphlet stating homework as one of the most effective educational strategies.

Homework In Today’s World

Today, homework is assigned, perceived, and dealt with differently around the globe. In many countries, homework is part of the traditional education system, where conventional educational models are used. The US, China, and some Asian countries still focus heavily on standardized testing and memorization, leading to excessive homework loads. They view homework as an essential and critical tool to master learning.

Countries like Finland adopt a progressive approach, with limited homework. They believe students’ learning capabilities are enhanced through creativity, critical thinking, and student autonomy. They believe students learn more when they engage with meaningful material than when they are assigned tasks and assignments.

Who do you favor, the progressive approach or the traditional approach? Make sure they both come up with specific pros and cons.

Now, let’s look into the perspective of parents, teachers, and students on homework.

Parents, Teachers, And Students Perspectives On Homework

Parents Perspectives On Homework

Parents Perspectives On Homework

Parents are facilitators and supporters, and they play a prominent role in completing homework. Therefore, parents’ perspectives vary within different dynamics. Some parents strongly support homework as they believe it provides an opportunity for students to reinforce their learning. Homework helps in understanding and is an opportunity to engage with the child. It builds a strong bond between the parents and the children, where a child relies on the parent’s help, and a parent provides assistance and encouragement to their children.

However, some parents believe that homework overburdens the child and creates stress. They highly criticize homework because they think it creates conflict between families. Parents feel overpressed while helping their children complete complex assignments within tight deadlines. They believe there is a constant struggle between parents and children due to homework.

Teachers Perspectives On Homework

Teachers presume homework is an integral part of students’ growth. Therefore, they favor homework and believe it is crucial for students’ academic development. Homework not only reinforces classroom learning but also completes the learning process. They preclude that homework should be part of the education system because it reinforces learning, helps practice, leads to continuous improvements, clears concepts, and acts as a self-motivated learning tool. It allows students to know their doubts, understand more profoundly, and learn better.

Students’ Perspectives On Homework

Students, no matter how brilliant and hardworking they are, always despise homework. They view it as an extra burden that is enforced upon them without their consent. They always argue that they are overburdened with excessive homework, but it is a waste of time, extremely difficult, and leads to stress, anxiety, and other health-related problems.

Students believe homework leads to inconsistent behavior and a lack of motivation to study, resulting from unsocial activities. If they were not overloaded with homework, they could socialize with their friends and expand their social circle. They believe homework is the fundamental reason behind students’ stress, anxiety, and depression.

Students' Perspectives On Homework

What do you think? Is the student’s perspective about homework correct? Should homework be part of the US academic system?


Well, students do presume homework is a burden. It takes away their free time, which amounts to stress and anxiety. However, if students do not procrastinate on their homework and manage their time well, they will not feel overwhelmed, stressed, or demotivated.

In reality, homework enhances memory, helps cultivate time management and self-learning, and develops cognitive skills and discipline. It allows students to step into their professional life with confidence. Excessive homework does cause mental health issues and takes away productive and leisure time. Leisure and outdoor sports are meaningful and productive activities that must be part of students’ lives. So, excessive homework is detrimental to children’s physical and mental health.

Students who struggle academically find it hard to complete their homework on time. Instead, if they are focused and their concepts are clear, they will be able to perform well and submit their homework on time, too. Therefore, if you are stuck with your assignment or facing a hard problem understanding your homework, you have always asked for help.

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